Archive: January 2008
False alarms hit the big time
January 30, 2008Daniel Gelinas
The false alarm issue went mainstream in a big way when this article appeared in The New York Times last Sunday. The article basically outlines the issue and cites different false alarm policies throughout the East, nothing those of you reading this don't already know, but my favorite section was this:
"Not all towns see false alarms as a problem. In Westchester County, Lt. Robert W. Mazurak of the Bedford Police Department said his officers respond to about 50 alarms a week in Bedford, Bedford...
Securitas Systems' new name: Niscayah
January 29, 2008Martha Entwistle
In a relatively conservative security industry, the latest news out of Stockholm has to be considered fairly bold: Securitas Systems, the integrator that spun out of Securitas, has announced it will officially change its name to Niscayah.
I know: Niscayah?
According to the release, it means "secure and reliable" in Sanskrit. But you knew that.
I knew a name change was coming. Apparently, after the spin-out, Securitas Systems only had claim to the Securitas name for two years, anyway, and they...
This Blog's on Fire (And Other Stuff)
Don't forget to alarm the pet door
January 29, 2008Tess Nacelewicz
This story about an intruder breaking into a Dallas house via a doggie door seems a little unbelievable. The door was eight by 12 inches, according to this story. Think the intruder was a pre-schooler? Anyone ever put a sensor on a pet door?
Who's the most famous security industry member?
January 28, 2008Martha Entwistle
I'm going to nominate Cris Carter for that honor. I'm frankly shocked that this New York Times article references his ownership of Carter Bros., however. It's rare that the sports section acknowledges a player's post-playing career.
Of course, this -
He owns a security company, Carter Brothers, based in Atlanta, and received an award for entrepreneurship from the National Urban League.
- makes it seem like he's running a little old alarm company, or something. But, as you'll see in this story...