BOCA RATON, Fla.--Despite last week's USA Today report that the Federal Communications Commission chief is preparing to deny the security industry's request that the AMPS sunset be extended, ADT president John Koch said April 24 that ADT remains intent on pursuing an extension.
"Discussions are continuing as we speak," he said. If a "two-year extension is not acceptable, we should look at something less than two years."
Koch said ADT "firmly believes that [an extension] is necessary because of the lack of equipment available until recently ... and because of the large number of customers who will be impacted if the AMPS sunset takes effect in February 2008."
"We're committed to working with the telecommunications companies, the FCC and anyone else to make this work," he said.
Koch met with industry reporters here at ADT headquarters and spent an hour discussing a number of issues including an announcement that ADT is now a Cisco Authorized Provider. Other topics included ADT's management of the convergence of physical security and IT, ADT's reorganization, the implications of the acquisition of Retail Expert, and the trend toward ADT partnering with other companies inside and outside of the security industry.
For more on this story, see the June issue of Security Systems News.