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Bart Didden & Supreme Court nominee Sotomayor

Bart Didden & Supreme Court nominee Sotomayor

Here's a little six degrees of separation exercise for you on this Thursday morning: How are security personality Bart Didden and Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor connected? I had this very thought this morning when I saw a big ole picture of Bart (who's president of USA Central Station Alarm Corp., former NBFAA president etc.) in the New York Times in a story about Sotomayor's judicial decision history. (I really wish I could post the picture...but I can't yet... you know, it's the same old story...our techies just can't get me permission. ) Anyway, here's the link to the story, and you can see the photo here. The story's says that Sotomayor's decisions (while she served on the Second Circuit Court of Appeals) on business and finance are difficult to categorize. Well, some conservatives point to certain decisions and say "danger," while others point to so-called pro-business decisions as evidence that Sotomayor is not an idealogue. As an example, the story cites:
In a 2006 property rights case, she upheld a town’s effort to take private property for redevelopment. But in 2002, she supported property rights in a case involving impounded cars.
And here's the Bart-Sonia connection: The property rights in question in 2006 were Bart Didden's. From the story:
¶And in a key property-rights case, Didden v. Village of Port Chester, Judge Sotomayor took part in a brief unsigned order from the Second Circuit in 2006. The order, which followed the Supreme Court’s major property-taking decision in Kelo v. City of New London, supported a town’s effort to seize property for the use of a developer. Richard A. Epstein, a conservative legal scholar at the University of Chicago, wrote in Forbes magazine that “American business should shudder in its boots if Judge Sotomayor takes this attitude to the Supreme Court.”


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