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Index Engines adds data reporting in CyberSense

Index Engines adds data reporting in CyberSense

HOLMDEL, Nj. — Cybersecurity company Index Engines has announced new comprehensive data integrity reporting within the CyberSense product.

CyberSense indexes over 5 exabytes of customer data daily. The new data integrity homepage within the CyberSense 8.7 user interface displays critical insights into the data that CyberSense has analyzed, details on its integrity, and assurance that triggered alerts are addressed. This content is easily integrated into security platforms to collaborate on critical data protection and cybersecurity strategies. 

“Bad actors are constantly refining their tactics and Index Engines stays ahead of them with ongoing feature refinement and updates. This new release of CyberSense offers a data integrity dashboard that provides valuable insights into customer data," said Jim McGann, vice president of strategic partnerships for Index Engines.

“While supporting quick recovery from ransomware attacks and protecting organizations against being held hostage by bad actors is our main goal, it’s also important for organizations to understand the depth of analysis CyberSense provides in ensuring the integrity of their data to support smarter recovery after a ransomware attack.”

CyberSense 8.7 also introduces significant performance and response time improvements in the platform that support quicker analysis of petabyte class environments - enabling faster anomaly analysis and incident recovery.

Also new in this release:  

• Expanded support for Oracle Tablespace Encryption and SUSE15 in AWS, improving compatibility with modern applications, underscoring Index Engines’ commitment to enterprise market demand

• Predefined security roles to simplify access control across the product and restrict users who can make changes within CyberSense

• Database corruption alerts that identify non-ransomware related database corruption and inform data owners when their database is not operating normally

CyberSense 8.7 is available now to Index Engines’ strategic partners. Their implementation and release schedules may vary.


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