Integrators '20 under 40' 2015—Matt Cooper
By Spencer Ives
Updated Tue October 13, 2015

Matt Cooper, 32
Director of field operations, Protection 1
Millennials, IP-based technology and the cloud and are the biggest game-changers for the security industry according to Matt Cooper.
Cooper got into the security industry through his interest in electronics. He was previously in the U.S. Navy, working with electronics.
“When I [left the Navy], I was more or less looking for something to pick up where I left off with electronics, and Protection 1, the company I found, seemed like the best opportunity,” he said. “Lo and behold, 11 years later, I'm still here.”
“I think the Millennials, like myself, that are coming into the industry and taking a different approach.” The younger generation, having grown up with more technology, brings in a different perspective, he said.
When Millennials train older people on technology there are specific challenges, according to Cooper. “At first you get the push-back of 'Look, I'm not computer savvy like you are,' ” he said, but then trainees adapt. “This isn't something that can't be taught, it's just something that's different.”
Cooper also impressed the importance of “IP-based solutions that are coming out, regardless of [the] platform that you pick. � Cloud-based solutions as well are a game changer.”
He said he likes how the industry constantly evolves. “As soon as you feel like you're getting comfortable and that you're falling into what I would consider the day-to-day grind � the industry changes,” he said. “You never get bored. There's going to be something that requires your attention at all times.”