LAS VEGAS--ISC West attendees can delve into the skill sets necessary to design and understand IP-based security systems at a new full-day program called IP Institute on April 4.
Attendees will learn about advanced integration and IP convergence solutions, basic design requirement, analysis and execution of the systems, developing security solutions in an IP- or integrated-system environment, as well as how to analyze the effectiveness of such solutions.
Participants will take home reference materials, have access to web-based follow-up information, and earn continuing education credits from the University of Las Vegas and the title of Physical Security Network Associate. For more information, visit
Attendees can warm up for the IP Institute in Savannah, Ga., Feb. 26-28 at the TechSec Solutions conference in Savannah, Ga. Designed for those who want to hear and learn firsthand what the industry's top movers and shakers are saying, doing and recommending about the impending dominance of IP-ready security technology, the conference has limited registration still available. For more information, visit