Pro-Vigil founder - Incorporate AI into your physical security strategy Survey reveals that 71% of businesses are slow to adopt AI in the fight against crime
By Cory Harris, Editor
Updated 9:44 AM CST, Thu February 1, 2024

SAN ANTONIO, Texas—Artificial intelligence has become THE buzzword in the security space as companies are utilizing AI as an integral part of their physical security and cybersecurity strategies.
But as a report released by Pro-Vigil - a provider of AI-enabled remote video monitoring (RVM), management and crime deterrence solutions – revealed, businesses have been slow to adopt AI as part of their physical security strategy.
Pro-Vigil’s fourth annual report, “The State of Physical Security Entering 2024,” revealed that despite a quarter of businesses reporting increased physical security incidents in 2023, security strategies continue to remain outdated. This is especially evident when it comes to the adoption of and education in AI as a component of physical security strategies.
AI Integration
This year’s survey focused on AI and whether businesses are incorporating AI into their security strategies. The report showed that 71 percent have not integrated AI into their security strategy, while 23 percent don't even know if they're using AI, and only 6 percent say they utilize AI in their security strategy. Even more surprising is that 72 percent of businesses said they are not even concerned about using AI.
Pro-Vigil founder Jeremy White told Security Systems News that companies don’t seem interested in understanding the value that AI brings, as long as the installer does its job and AI ultimately provides a return on investment (ROI) for these companies in the fight against crime.
“For us, AI is not a rookie anymore. It's been trained for years, and I don't know how much metadata has been pumped through it, but it's a well-oiled machine,” White explained. “These are customers or potential customers saying we don't really understand AI and how it would help us. And to be honest with you, with RVM companies, what AI does for us is relieve our operations, so it makes us more accurate and quicker and more scalable, so for the end user or the customer, that's not of their concern. They are concerned that we're accurate and successfully providing an ROI to them and doing what we’re contracted to do.”
“But how do we get there? To me what they're saying here is we don't really know, and I don't know that I care as long as ‘Acme Security’ does its job. I think that's where the disconnect is.
White added, “We don't lead our marketing with ‘We have AI.’ Yes, it benefits our business greatly, and we could not be as scalable or successful as we are today without it. That said, whether customers know if they’re using AI or not, security is left to be our concern, and that's why we've been tapped on the shoulder to provide that.
“I think AI is required for RVM, but the customer doesn't know that. They don't know what questions to ask, and they don't care as long as you meet your SLA [service-level agreement] and that fits in with their business and operations and their expectations. So be it, but that's been the challenge. They don't care what technology we use, just do your job, but for us it is the only way for us to do our job.”
Local Crime Concern
Pro-Vigil’s survey showed that 25 percent of respondents saw an increase in physical security incidents in 2023, a slight decrease from 28 percent in both the 2021 and 2022 surveys, but still up from just 20 percent of respondents in 2020.
Respondents attributed a rise in local crime as the top reason why security incidents remain on the rise, followed by economic uncertainty and supply chain issues. Why do you think local crime emerged as the top reason why there was an increase in physical security incidents in 2023.
“I think the economic pressures, especially in certain industries at certain levels, is an issue similar to the Great Recession of 2008,” White explained. “Obviously, we're not anywhere near that type of scenario, but in some places, crime is on the rise and concerns are higher because of it.
“The other is supply chain and the lack thereof. Supply chain was so bad, for example, for auto dealers for a period of time that it made what inventory they did have so much more valuable that thieves and vandals almost couldn't resist.
He continued, “Catalytic converters seven or eight years ago, nobody talked about it. You can buy one online and have it shipped to you tomorrow. Well, when you're waiting six, eight, nine months and you have a brand-new vehicle with zero miles on it sitting on the Toyota dealership that you're paying interest on, ready to be sold, and you're going to wait eight more months before you can ever turn that vehicle, that's what happens.”
“I do think supply chain was major in 2023, but I think as inventory is on the rise, and most of these businesses that were concerned also added some layer of security or protection to their assets, which was good for all of us.”
Perceptions of Crime
Pro-Vigil’s survey indicated that 55 percent of respondents are more worried about crime, and 45 percent were not, which was a bit higher than the 50-50 split in the 2023 report.
In addition, the report noted that 87 percent of respondents predicted that the number of security incidents will either stay about the same or increase in 2024, with 27 percent believing that number will rise in the coming year.
White noted that these numbers reflect past security incidents that these businesses may have experienced.
“To me it's what they experienced, so I think naturally, if you've experienced more crime, more incidents, it's going to be more at the forefront, and it's going to be a little bit more concerning to you,” he explained. “Crime has been much higher in recent years, and that takes a while to forget. If you've had a vehicle stolen from you, when you've had your materials stolen on your job site and your project ended 90 days late and you pay all the penalties, these things are hard to forget. In most recent history, crime has been much higher, and it doesn't show any sign of slowing down.”
Closing Thoughts
Having completed the fourth annual report on the state of physical security, White was very pleased with what the results showed.
“It's exciting,” he concluded. “This is our first year of leveraging AI in the forefront and customer facing versus back end, and we see adoption across the board by the security industry in general using AI in different ways. It helps promote and educate end users and customers of ours.
“In general, we always encourage focusing on the technologies and looking for ways to add greater value. Customers are looking for that now; it’s way much more about what am I getting for what I'm paying for.”
To download Pro-Vigil's research report, "The State of Physical Security Entering 2024," please visit: