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Security “Oscar” goes to “Unstoppable.”

Security “Oscar” goes to “Unstoppable.”

The envelope, please. And the winner in the category of a film that best depicts the realistic use of modern security technology in mainstream media is … “Unstoppable.”

OK, the 2010 movie, which stars Denzel Washington and Chris Pine as two railroad employees racing against the clock to try to stop an unmanned, half-mile-long train barreling toward a city before a catastrophe occurs, didn't win an Oscar. It actually didn't even get nominated for one.

But the movie took Moore Protection's highest film honor for its portrayal of security technology. That Los Angeles residential security firm, whose clients include “many of the movers and shakers in the entertainment industry,” has awarded its annual Morpheus Award to the movie's director Tony Scott.

Don Moore, company president, said the film stood out. Not only was the action thriller “a great movie,” Moore told me, but “closed circuit television played a big part in it … They used CCTV to track the progress of the train.”

Moore, who timed the announcement of the award to coincide with the Academy Awards, told me that Moore Protection “wanted to find a way to publicize the positive uses of security technology in Hollywood, especially during awards season.”

Also, he said, “the Morpheus Award is an excuse to remind customers to use their alarm systems.”

"It never fails that someone experiences a burglary during one of the many awards shows,” he said. “Thieves know when they see limousines all over these affluent hillside communities of L.A. that the chances of finding an empty home full of valuable goodies increase exponentially. It's a target-rich environment for burglars all year long, but the odds of a homeowner distracted by thoughts of red carpets and neglecting to arm their security system before leaving for an event make their illegal activities a lot easier.”

In Greek mythology, Morpheus was the name of the god of dreams and visions. Moore said the vision aspect relates to CCTV. Also, he said, the word sounds somewhat similar to his company's name.

For years, the company has usually just announced the award internally and to clients, Moore said. This year he announced it publicly, and he wants to make it even more of an event in the coming year. That's why he said he's opening it up “to dealers nationwide to send nominations” of 2011 films they see that make the best use of security technology. Moore said nominations should go to the company's VP of sales and resident movie buff, John Akouris, at


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