Security Systems News poll results: February 2023
By Ken Showers, Managing Editor
Updated 3:31 PM CST, Mon January 23, 2023

YARMOUTH, Maine – We asked, and you answered as we share the results of the February 2023 Security Systems News Poll.
We asked readers to chime in on the state of the security camera market in consideration of recent legislation against Chinese telecoms and expansion of U.S. chip production. We found that over 75% of poll participants were satisfied with their current security camera network and the level of transparency they received with their service. In contrast only 12.5% either were not satisfied or didn’t know how they felt.
Numbers were considerably less lopsided when it came to ownership statistics. While half of all participants claimed to own (U.S.) domestically manufactured security hardware, over 37% said they owned Chinese manufactured security hardware. Only 12.5% could claim otherwise.
Half again of all voters in the poll believe that changes in U.S. manufacturing and sanctions imposed on Chinese telecoms will change the security industry in 2023. The other half of the vote is split down the middle with 25% believing it won’t, or 25% that it’s too soon to make a determination.
“Until chip production is fully operational domestically paying attention to where materials are manufactured will continue to impact the industry,” one anonymous user wrote.
“Looking forward to changes” wrote another.
That’s it for the February poll! Take a look at for our March News Poll where we ask readers to give their input on facial recognition and biometric technology in the security space, and how it’s affecting privacy rights in the United States.