Specifically Speaking with John Weston
By Paul Ragusa
Updated 11:51 AM CDT, Wed October 21, 2020

DALLAS—Security Systems News’ monthly column features John Weston, owner of Unified Network Consulting, LLC based in Dallas, who has more than 25 years experience designing systems.
Please talk about your security consulting firm and your role as owner.
Unified Network Consulting, LLC is a technology consulting and project management firm that provides services for the planning, design, solution procurement and execution of any size project. We have more than 25 years of experience leveraging the complex aspects of the planning, designing, procurement and commissioning of technology projects. As new technologies are converging rapidly, most of our projects now involve multiple practice areas, especially where there are requirements for integrated systems.
I personally design/specify for access control (door hardware coordination is included), intrusion, video surveillance and parking control, as well as complete a/v projects including control centers and the wired and wireless data networks to run all of it. I also do project management and construction administration.
What vertical markets do you specialize in? Any interesting projects you are working on?
Key vertical markets that we specialize in include government, healthcare and enterprise locations.
In terms of interesting new projects, I am wrapping up a new smart city project for one of my clients that includes a mmwave broadband network design as a fully redundant loop supporting all outdoor cameras that will be actively monitored, using onboard analytics. The entire project was designed to scale as far as the City wants to grow it and has the capacity to support other IoT devices in the future.
How did you get started in security?
I come from a background of designing and selling voice and data networks including all the hardware systems. About 14 years ago I left the sales world and started consulting, primarily voice and data projects. Back then architects and clients were asking for help on security and A/V elements in our projects so I jumped in there. I had the luxury of starting on new projects that were all IP based and that fit easily with my network background.
Can you talk about what new or emerging technologies you are seeing or specifying today?
I am designing 100 percent with OSDP in mind for access control. I am closely following who is doing what with camera analytics, both onboard and server based. There are interesting new IP solutions that can fit into the new “touchless” wave this year. Longer range, I am looking at the capability of access control system to integrate with other client databases
What is your view on the industry moving forward?
I am spending time talking with security hardware and software manufacturers, large and small, who are devoting energy to enhanced engineering and software design.
I am also spending time smoking out the spin from some opportunistic companies who clearly want to sell fast and hard to get to do an IPO and cash out. Not a good fit for my clients!!
Specifically Speaking, a Security Systems News monthly column, features Q-and-A with a security consultant provided to SSN by SecuritySpecifiers.