Tag: Association of Public Safety Communications Officials
You decide: should 9-1-1 telecommunicators be classified as a “Protective Service Occupation?”
June 26, 2019Ginger Hill
Being a part of the security industry as a journalist, it intrigues me as to the wealth of security-related knowledge floating around out there in cyberspace, magazine articles, books, newspapers, tv — any and all media outlets really. Take just a moment and think about this: at any given time, we can access information via our smart devices about any topic we choose. Seriously, let that soak in for a minute...
The conclusion? Knowledge is power, as the saying goes; there's even a Twitter...
D.C. implements ASAP
January 9, 2013Rich Miller
WASHINGTON—The District of Columbia has implemented the Automated Secure Alarm Protocol, becoming the sixth U.S. municipality to take the step toward faster and more efficient alarm call management.ASAP works to eliminate errors in communication between central stations and public safety answering points, or PSAPs, by sending 911 information directly via computer instead of being transmitted verbally by phone. The program was founded through a partnership between the Central Station Alarm Association,...