Tag: EverCommerce
EverCommerce acquires SGS
January 23, 2019Paul Ragusa
COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo.—EverCommerce announced the acquisition of the Calif.-based central station software company Secure Global Solutions (SGS), producer of the software platform, stages. This is the fourth company in less than a year to enter the Bold Group Security Division of companies, which consists of Bold, Perennial, SIMS, and now SGS.Rod Coles, president of Bold Perennial, said in the announcement, “We're so pleased to bring SGS into our family of companies. The stages software...
Bold Technologies and Perennial Software merge, both companies acquired
July 11, 2018Spencer Ives
COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo.—Bold Technologies, an alarm monitoring software provider, yesterday announced that it has completed a long-planned merger with Perennial Software, which provides business management software in the security industry. The companies will become one, with Bold bringing Perennial's line of products, including SedonaOffice and AlarmBiller, under its umbrella.To facilitate this merger, Bold and Perennial were acquired by EverCommerce, a multivertical service commerce platform....