Tag: Fire Sprinkler Initiative
Home sprinkler installation costs drop nationwide
October 22, 2013Tess Nacelewicz
QUINCY, Mass.—The cost of installing home fire sprinklers has decreased nationwide, and states that mandate home fire sprinklers have even lower installation costs, a new study by the Fire Protection Research Foundation has found.
“In the two states with statewide regulations, Maryland and California, significantly lower costs were found there than in the sample as a whole,” Kathleen Almand, executive director of the foundation, told Security Systems News. The foundation is an...
Home-sprinkler requirements don't dampen housing starts
June 14, 2013Tess Nacelewicz
QUINCY, Mass.—Homebuilders often oppose state or local laws requiring home fire sprinklers, contending the added expense will negatively impact housing construction. But now positive new housing statistics from California—where home sprinklers are mandated—refute that claim, according to a spokeswoman for the National Fire Protection Association's Fire Sprinkler Initiative.
“Sprinklers save lives. That's the bottom line and that's been proven, and they don't...
Report: Sprinklered buildings save water, yet pay more for its usage
April 18, 2012Tess Nacelewicz
QUINCY, Mass.—A new report shows that less water is needed to fight fires in sprinklered properties than in unsprinklered ones, yet it's typically only sprinklered buildings that are charged for the water usage.The hope is that the report—which is from the National Fire Protection Association and the Fire Protection Research Foundation—will spur fire departments and water authorities to rethink policies on fees for sprinklered buildings, said Gary Keith, VP of field operations and...