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Tag: Hackers

Monitoring Matters

John Wilkes Bot, or can’t someone else do it?

July 10, 2024Ken Showers, Managing Editor

I feel pretty drained by the 4th of July, but in a good way all things considered. What better way to celebrate our nation's independence than that most American form of entertainment, explosions. Speaking of things that are inherently and exclusively American in nature that I could not escape in the news cycle this week: ammunition vending machines. I cannot speak to how long this has been “a thing,” but I can tell you the concept of just such a machine was played...

AI-powered, attack surface, Cybersecurity, Hackers, security robots, vending machines

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Monitoring Matters

Risky Business

September 7, 2022Ken Showers, Managing Editor

One of the big cybersecurity stories this week, for those tuned in on that frequency, is the trial of former Uber CISO Joe Sullivan. He’s a big name in that corner of the industry brought low by a lawsuit resulting from the cover up of a data breach. This is important because it may be the first time a corporate executive faces criminal liability from a data breach and every other CISO is likely watching this case sweating bullets. Whether they should be or not is another matter. The...

Chief Information Security Officer, CISO, Crypto, data breach, Hackers, Joe Sullivan, Samsung, Uber

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