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Tag: Jim Lantrip

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FAST names Allied Universal’s Jim Lantrip to Board of Directors

August 22, 2024SSN Staff

DALLAS—The Foundation for Advancing Security Talent (FAST) has named Jim Lantrip of Allied Universal Technology Services to its Board of Directors. The FAST Board of Directors, drawn from the membership of the Electronic Security Association (ESA) and the Security Industry Association (SIA), defines and refines FAST’s strategic plan, as well as the foundation’s annual goals. Lantrip is a seasoned security industry veteran with over 30 years of experience....

ADT Security Services, Allied Universal Technology Services, Board of Directors, Brendan McFall, Electronic Security Association (ESA), Erin Mann, Foundation for Advancing Security Talent (FAST), Jim Lantrip, John Nemerofsky, Ken Kocher, Kerri Sutherland, Michal Moss Early, Rick Seymour, Scott Harkins, Security Industry Association (SIA), Yaron Zussman

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