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Tag: Pauline Norstrom

Don Erickson

General News

SIA names Norstrom, Rawji and St. Jacques as Sandy Jones Volunteers of the Year

February 28, 2025SSN Staff

SILVER SPRING, Md.—The Security Industry Association (SIA) has named three recipients of the 2025 Sandy Jones Volunteer of the Year Award.  Pauline Norstrom, Yazmina Rawji and Joey St. Jacques will be honored with the award at The Advance, SIA’s annual membership meeting, which will be held April 1 during ISC West. The Sandy Jones Volunteer of the Year Award is named in honor of Sandra Jones, principal of Sandra Jones and Company, a prolific SIA volunteer...

2025, Anekanta AI, Anekanta Consulting, Don Erickson, dormakaba, Feenics, ISC West, Joey St. Jacques, Pauline Norstrom, Sandy Jones, Securing New Ground (SNG), Security Industry Association (SIA), The Advance, Volunteer of the Year Award, Yazmina Rawji

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Dedicated Micros' reorg gives customers direct access

October 26, 2010Martha Entwistle

CHANTILLY, Va.—Among several re-organized companies at ASIS this year was CCTV solutions manufacturer Dedicated Micros, which was sporting a new executive line-up. Company founder Mike Newton is now president of Dedicated Micros. Other newly named executives include:  Pauline Norstrom, VP; Nigel Petric, chairman of the board; John Bonsee SVP sales; and, John Dolan, VP business development. Newton told Security Systems News his new role is one he's been filling unofficially for the past 18...

AD Group, Dedicated Micros, IPTV, John Bonsee, John Dolan, Mike Newton, Nigel Petric, Pauline Norstrom

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Dedicated Micros has eye on future with new executive team appointments

October 18, 2010SSN Staff

CHANTILLY, Va.—Dedicated Micros—part of AD Group announced Oct. 12 the new structure of its Board with a number of key appointments to bring together a strong, highly-experienced team to drive the business forward in the Americas. The four members of the Board who will be working in conjunction with Mike Newton, the new president of Dedicated Micros include: Pauline Norstrom—vice president; Nigel Petrie—chairman; John Bonsee—senior vice President, sales and John Dolan—vice...

AD Group, Dedicated Micros, John Bonsee, John Dolan, Nigel, Pauline Norstrom, Petrie

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