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Tag: StarLink Max 2 Dual Sim Commercial Fire Communicators

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NAPCO introduces new StarLink signal strength/site survey tool for speeding inspections

January 31, 2025SSN Staff

AMITYVILLE, N.Y.—NAPCO Security Technologies has introduced the NAPCO StarLink SLE-MAX2-DEMO, a sophisticated but easy-to-use tool with its StarLink Max 2 Dual Sim Commercial Fire Communicators. It’s designed for two key purposes: performing site surveys or sales demos. First, it visually demonstrates the Communicator’s ability to switch between carriers quickly, and second, it displays signal quality for both cell networks to the Authority Having Jurisdiction...

Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ), NAPCO Security Technologies, StarLink Max 2 Dual Sim Commercial Fire Communicators, StarLink SLE-MAX2-DEMO, Stephen Spinelli

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