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Who's going to ESX?

Who's going to ESX?

So, I'm back from vacation and I'll be in the office for four days before heading out to ESX on Tuesday. Who's going to this thing?

If you'll be there, and I haven't seen you in a while, and you've got something interesting to talk about, drop me an email at and let's schedule an interview. I haven't received a single media request for this show yet, so I'm a little worried about how seriously people are taking it. I've received far more requests for NRFLP which is happening now and we don't have anyone there.

Also, if you are going and aren't already hip to how this whole social media thing works for the industry (which is unlikely if you're a regular reader of my blog), then make sure to come see me at 10:30 a.m. on Wednesday next week at ESX, when I'll be presenting on using social media to increase sales. I wouldn't have titled it that way, but that's how they titled it when they invited me and some social media guru to present a few months ago. Of course, the social media guru dropped out (for no particular reason whatsoever, actually - I think she just sniffed out that there might not be a big crowd) and now I'm presenting by myself.

Still, it should be pretty good. I'm happy with my presentation on the “big four” - LinkedIn, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter - and if you're in the beginner stages, you'll get a lot out of it. If you're what you would consider a frequent user of social media, I'd say my presentation would be interesting, and might make you think differently about a few things, but would be a little below your general level of understanding.

Since the CSAA is just educating people on what a “hash-tag” is, I'm guessing the targeted attendee for my presentation should be a novice or just above.

Martha and Dan are also coming, and Martha is presenting on the summer sales model on Tuesday, so we'll be fully staffed for the event (should I be regretting that?). If you want to talk just about anything in the industry, drop us a line and let's get together.


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