Chamber installs security cameras to educate public
By SSN Staff
Updated Wed November 6, 2013
LOS GATOS, Calif.—Four surveillance cameras are now in place at the Los Gatos Chamber of Commerce. The chamber isn't trying to deter crime; it hopes to show residents and business owners the benefits of security and surveillanc systems.
The Alarm Company installed the cameras Nov. 1, Los Gatos Patch reports. The system, which includes a DVR, is on constantly.
“We have a monitor on our wall which can be seen at all times,” said Ronee Nassi, Los Gatos Chamber of Commerce executive director. “Although we've not had issues with security, the goal in doing this is to raise awareness of surveillance systems and how they offer additional security to homes and businesses.”
The chamber and The Alarm Company decided to install the educational system after a new plastic-bag ordinance led to fears that shoplifting would increase once customers started using their own bags, Nassi told Los Gatos Patch.