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Mister Hundred and One

Mister Hundred and One

It’s hot here guys, like, really hot, and all the adverse effects of the heat dome are seeping into my thinking as we tackle this week’s security topics.

Like HEAT for example, you know, Highly Evasive Adaptive Threats (HEAT)? Poking fun at an evergreen topic since cybersecurity and its fallout is a revolving door these days. I’m reading about emergency patches from both Apple and Microsoft in my inbox this morning, and later today I’ll be tackling a story about an incident with Revolut that cost them $20 million.

That’s going to keep being a human endeavor too, according to hackers who say that its unlikely generative AI will replace human cybersecurity skills. Job security is nice, even if it’s criminal I guess, but the security industry in general is an ever-changing entity, and major employer Allied Universal addressed that this week with its midyear update. Despite rising unemployment, CEO Steve Jones says that private security is growing and encourages job seekers to consider a career in private security.

That can include everyone these days too, as Jones said, “Long gone are the days of the big, burly, often male, security guard. A resounding percentage of chief security officers believe people skills are more important than physical attributes of strength. An even higher percentage seek diversity in their security workforce. Security decision makers are looking for security professionals with integrity, emotional intelligence, a higher education degree and the ability to speak multiple languages.”

They have a new “World Security Report” coming in the next few weeks that I’m anxious to read, but that’s assuming I don’t melt before then. I’ll just have to play it cool.

Hah! I’m too much.


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