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Tag: Amanda Powell

Dakota Mackie

General News

SIA announces new leadership of RISE community for young professionals

February 18, 2025SSN Staff

SILVER SPRING, Md.—The Security Industry Association (SIA) has named new members and leadership of the steering committee for SIA RISE, a community that fosters the careers of young professionals and emerging leaders in the security industry. Dakota Mackie of Northland Controls serves as chair, with Kelly Ann Christensen of BCD now serving as vice chair. In these roles, Mackie and Christensen ensure that RISE delivers educational content and networking opportunities...

Amanda Powell, Andres Capous, BCD, Constantine Tremouliaris, Dakota Mackie, Don Erickson, Erin Grippo, Itzel Portillo, Jackie Paryz, Joey Joy, Jonah Azarcon, Kelly Ann Christensen, KeShia Thomas, Keyser Santana, Kristin Shockley, Krystina Beach, Lauren Yonis, Mfon Ubaha, Nicole Rigby, Northland Controls, Power 100, Ryan Knoll, Sarah Webel, Security Industry Association (SIA), Security Industry Association (SIA) RISE, SIA Women in Security Forum (WISF), Steering Committee, Tanner LaRocque, Tim Loth, Tristin Vaccaro

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Amanda Powell


Security entrances are a 'cornerstone' of modern security

December 4, 2024Cory Harris, Editor

YARMOUTH, Maine—The changing landscape of security threats, driven by increasing risks to personnel, assets and property, has shifted the perception of security entrances from an optional feature to an “absolute imperative,” says Boon Edam’s Amanda Powell.  “Securing facility perimeters and sensitive interior areas has become more critical than ever, making security entrances a cornerstone of modern physical security strategies,” said Powell, marketing...

Amanda Powell, Boon Edam

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