Are thermal cameras our best defense against COVID-19?
April 1, 2020Paul Ragusa
YARMOUTH, Maine—Thermal cameras and devices are being used today during the coronavirus outbreak to help detect elevated temperatures in humans, providing a first line of defense in at least identifying those who are exhibiting signs of a fever. But, as we have discovered, the use of this technology is only part of the overall screening process, and there are challenges with using thermal cameras for this purpose, especially if someone is symptomless yet still contagious.To get a closer look...
What is the integrator's role in the modern era of security?
March 10, 2020Pierre Bourgeix
As we move toward a converged security model and systems become more virtual and cloud based, the role of the integrator is dramatically changing while at the same time becoming much more challenged and challenging.For the better part of 50 years, the integrator's primary source of income was derived from selling and installing equipment. Profits stemmed from margins produced by reselling equipment and creating RMR around services, installation and monitoring. Parts (on-premise equipment and application...
How big data is affecting security
December 4, 2019Pierre Bourgeix
Since the late 20th century our world has faced a technological revolution mostly based on the transmission, use and classification of data. This movement was led in part by the establishment of the computer and later the intranet. With the birth of machine learning and transmission of data via an unsecured infrastructure, we gave rise to a playground for corruption, theft, fraud and every other acronym espoused by the bad actor.This understanding between good and bad has been playing out for the...