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Tag: false alarm ordinance

On The Editor's Desk

Historic moment for security …

May 5, 2021Paul Ragusa

Names of individuals left to right in the photo with Governor Kemp: Dan Gordon, President, Gordon Security Systems, Inc., Doug Bassett, Executive Director, Licensing and Compliance, XFINITY Home, COMCAST, Becky Busby-Maiello, Co-Owner, VP Sales, SDI. (Systems Distributors, Inc.), Stan Martin, Executive Director, SIAC (Security Industry Alarm Coalition), John Loud, President, LOUD Security Systems, Inc., and Vice Chairman, ESA (Electronic Security Association), Georgia Governor Brian P. Kemp,...

Electronic Security Association (ESA), false alarm ordinance, John Loud, Loud Security Systems, Sandy Springs, Security Industry Alarm Coalition (SIAC), Stan Martin

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Georgia bans false alarm fines on alarm companies

General News

Georgia bans false alarm fines on alarm companies

April 2, 2021SSN Staff

ATLANTA, Ga.—The Georgia General Assembly has approved a bill that would ban counties or municipal corporations from fining alarm companies for false alarms generated by a customer and through no fault of the alarm system’s contractor. “This bill has wider implications than for just our industry,” said John Loud, vice president of Electronic Security Association (ESA) and President of LOUD Security Systems. “The concept of fining a company for a problem caused by...

false alarm ordinance, John Loud, Stan Martin

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General News

Danville seeks to change false alarm ordinance

August 22, 2011SSN Staff

DANVILLE, Calif.—An Aug. 10 story from the Contra Costa Times reports the town council here is reviewing proposals on charging for false alarms. In 2010, police responded to roughly 2,300 burglar alarm calls, with most of them being false, reports Contra Costa Times. The numbers did not include almost 600 calls that were canceled while officers were en route to the location. Danville currently has an ordinance in place, which places a $50 fine for a first violation and more for others; however,...

Danville California, false alarm ordinance

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General News

Byram charging for false alarms

August 22, 2011SSN Staff

BYRAM, Miss.—An Aug. 12 story from ABC affiliate WAPT reports police officials here are going to impose fines for property owners for false alarms. The Board of Alderman approved a new ordinance that will charge home and business owners whose alarms go off in error. Property owners will now have to pay a $10 fee to sign up with the Police Department, letting them know there's an alarm at the property. The alarm ordinance is scheduled to go into effect in the coming months.

Byram Mississippi, false alarm ordinance

General News

Foster City false alarms will be costly

August 22, 2011SSN Staff

FOSTER CITY, Calif.—An Aug. 16 story from the Foster City Patch reports changes in Foster City's false alarm ordinance have been enacted as a means of recouping costs involved for responders. The changes include a reduction in the number of free false alarms before a fine is imposed, and the addition of a fine enhancement for multiple high risk false alarms. Additionally, the annual tracking period was changed from the calendar year to July-June. The previous city ordinance permitted three...

false alarm ordinance, Foster City California

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General News

Ogle County introduces false alarm ordinance

August 22, 2011SSN Staff

OGLE COUNTY, Ore.—The Ogle County Sheriff's department on Aug. 16 presented the county board with a new ordinance for consideration, which will establish a false alarm ordinance. The first three false alarms in a 365-day time period with be no charge; false alarms four to 10 would cost $100 each; after 11 false alarms the cost would jump to $200 per incident. Currently, the county responds to all alarms and, according to the sheriff's department, some businesses and residents occur on a daily...

false alarm ordinance, Ogle County Oregon

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General News

In Irwin, a false alarm could cost residents

July 25, 2011SSN Staff

IRWIN, Pa.—A July 21 story from the Norwin Star reports that false alarms could become costly for Irwin home and business owners. Irwin City Council plans to adopt an ordinance establishing fines for property owners whose alarm systems erroneously summon emergency services. The ordinance gives property owners two warnings. After three false alarms, police can levy a $75 fine. The fines climb to $100 for the fourth offense, to $150 for the fifth offense, and doubles to $300 for the sixth offense. The...

false alarm ordinance, Irwin Pennsylvania

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General News

False alarm rule in Steamboat nets results

July 5, 2011SSN Staff

STEAMBOAT SPRINGS, Colo.—A July 3 story from reports that consistent enforcement of the town's year old false alarm ordinance has had positive results. Since the law has come into effect, the city's fire engines have had to make less unnecessary trips through the city's streets. Letters were sent for first offenses, the second offense carried a $100 fine, and the fine for subsequent offenses increased $100 each time. The city has collected about $3,500 in fines, but officials...

false alarm ordinance, Steamboat Springs

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General News

Lima, Ohio police launch public education campaign to reduce false alarms

July 5, 2011SSN Staff

LIMA, Ohio—A June 30 story from The Lima News reports local police are waging an educational campaign on false alarms. In 2010, Lima Police used 650 hours responding to false alarms from security systems. The Lima police send notices to owners with false alarms, detailing the city ordinance and how to reduce the alarms. A first false alarm is not fined. However, each false alarm after the first within six months results in fees of $25 for the second and third false alarms, $50 for the fourth...

false alarm ordinance, Lima Ohio

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General News

Arizona law charging for excessive false alarms takes effect Friday

July 5, 2011SSN Staff

PRESCOTT, Az.—A June 29 story from The Daily Courier reports Prescott police officers began enforcing a new alarm law on July 1 that charges alarm users for the third false alarm in a year. The Prescott City Council on May 10 approved the new alarm ordinance, which allows alarm users two false alarm warnings within a given year. On the third false alarm, the owner will be assessed $100, and fees will increase by $100 for each false alarm afterward, according to the PPD.

false alarm ordinance, Prescott Arizona
