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Tag: Flock Safety

Flock Safety, ForceMetrics provide ‘full picture of the scene’


Flock Safety, ForceMetrics provide ‘full picture of the scene’

January 28, 2025Ken Showers, Managing Editor

ATLANTA — Flock Safety and ForceMetrics have announced a strategic partnership that will allow law enforcement officers to seamlessly work across both platforms and highlight insights in real-time to solve crime, improve outcomes and increase safety, the companies say.  The integrated solution combines Flock Safety’s real-time response, evidencec ollection and investigative tools with ForceMetrics’ data integration, analysis and user experience.  With the recent...

Andre McGregor, data integration, Davis Lukens, Flock Safety, ForceMetrics

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Flock Safety launches sideshow detection technology

October 25, 2024SSN Staff

ATLANTA — Flock Safety has announced the launch of what it’s calling a first-of-its-kind sideshow detection technology. The artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML)-powered technology, integrated into Flock Safety’s Raven audio detection system, is immediately available to all of Flock’s customers who deploy Raven. The new technology enables law enforcement agencies to receive real-time alerts, respond to illegal sideshows in real-time, and connect to the...

Artificial Intelligence (AI), Flock Safety, Garrett Langley, License Plate Recognition (LPR), sideshow detection

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DFR programs breaking new ground thanks to FAA waiver


DFR programs breaking new ground thanks to FAA waiver

October 23, 2024Ken Showers, Managing Editor

SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. — Axon has announced that the Campbell Police Department in California received a groundbreaking waiver from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) for beyond visual line of sight (BVLOS) operations as part of its Drone as First Responder (DFR) program.   Axon notes that this approval is the first of its kind to include nighttime operations and allows the Campbell Police Department to fly missions using Dedrone by Axon’s DedroneBeyond technology without...

Aaditya (AD) Devarakonda, Aerodome, Axon, beyond visual line of sight (BVLOS), Dedrone, Drone as First Responder (DFR), Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), Flock Safety, Mary-Lou Smulders

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Flock Safety acquires Aerodome


Flock Safety acquires Aerodome

October 18, 2024SSN Staff

ATLANTA — Flock Safety, a public safety technology provider, has announced the acquisition of Aerodome, a pioneer in Drone as First Responder (DFR) technology. This move brings Aerodome’s drone and remote piloting software under the Flock Safety umbrella, and accelerates its plan to introduce a suite of American-made, National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA)-compliant drones, set to be released over the next 12 months. These new drones will be fully compliant with the National Defense...

Aerodome, Drone as First Responder (DFR), Flock Safety, Garrett Langley, Mergers & Acquisitions, Rahul Sidhu

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