Five Questions: Tom McNeil VP of sales at Security Partners
By Amy Canfield
Updated Tue September 1, 2015
Tom McNeil, former middle linebacker and team captain for the Purdue University football team with security industry experience at United Central Control and CMS, is the new VP of sales for Security Partners, where he will oversee the company's national sales force. Security Systems News caught up with McNeil in Chicago to ask him five questions.
What do you like best about Chicago?
I was born and raised here. It's a strategic location, easy in and easy out. I always thought I would head south, but I love the winters [laughing]! I'm a Cubs fan.
What do you like to do in your spare time?
I have an 8-year-old son and a daughter who just turned 10, so there's not any spare time. My daughter is into competitive dancing, which is more intense than any of my son's sports. I like to golf, fish, work out, but now it's mostly all about the kids. There's family time every weekend. I have 35-plus nieces and nephews in the extended family in the area.
What is something your new colleagues might not know about you?
That I really am a softie. For a college football player, 6-foot-3, 225 pounds-plus, I'm definitely in touch with my softer side. I grew up with three sisters.
What's the last movie you saw that resonated with you?
American Sniper, [based on the true story of U.S. Navy Seal Chris Kyle, who served four tours of duty in Iraq.] I was just blown away. It's easy for us to say 'let's go to war.' I used to say that, but not anymore. That [movie] got my attention. It really hit home. These poor kids come back broken.
Do you have any pets?
The kids are begging, begging, begging. I had two Rottweilers before I got married in 2003, but pets are so much work, we're a couple of years away from that.