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Tag: Ken Gould

Janet Fenner

General News

‘Giving their time and support’ - Mission 500 mentor auction to help children in need

September 10, 2024Cory Harris, Editor

ORLANDO, Fla.—The item up for bid at Mission 500’s upcoming silent auction is not really an item in the literal sense – it’s an opportunity to spend invaluable time with some of the security industry’s top leaders.   The industry's non-profit organization is hosting a mentor auction during the Global Women in Security Gala on Sept. 21, at The Westgate Resort in Orlando, Fla., just two days before the start of Global Security Exchange (GSX) 2024.   “It’s...

2024, Aaron Allen, Alice DiSanto, Dan O'Neill, Elisa Mula, Fredrik Nilsson, Global Security Exchange (GSX), Global Women in Security Gala, James Gross, Janet Fenner, John Loud, John Nemerofsky, John Sullivan, Jumbi Edulbehram, Kasia Hanson, Ken Francis, Ken Gould, Lee Odess, Lynn de Seve, Martin Huddart, Mary Beth Shaughnessy, Matt Barnette, Mission 500, Rebecca Bayne, The Westgate Resort, Tim Wenzel, Tom Cook, Tony Sorrentino, Tracy Larson

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Also Noted

Mission 500 announces new Co-Chairs, Treasurer, and Secretary to advisory board

January 21, 2022SSN Staff

MIAMI—Mission 500, a non-profit charity that works closely with the security industry to serve the needs of children and communities in crisis throughout the United States, has announced new Co-Chairpersons to its advisory board - Janet Fenner, President of Defined Marketing, and Tracy Larson, President and Partner at WeSuite. In addition, current board member Jason Lutz, Distribution Sales Leader at Resideo Technologies, will become Treasurer and Sarah Flanagan,...

Janet Fenner, Jason Lutz, Ken Gould, Mission 500, Sarah Flanagan, Tracy Larson

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Mission 500, Moms in Security to host first-ever industry cornhole tournament

General News

Mission 500, Moms in Security to host industry cornhole tournament for charity

November 8, 2021SSN Staff

MIAMI—Mission 500 and Moms in Security Global Outreach have announced that they are joining forces for their newest fundraiser endeavor, a cornhole tournament, scheduled to take place on Saturday, Dec. 11, 2021, from 4:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m. ET at Kirkbride Hall, 5 Patriot Hills Lane in Stony Point, N.Y. The tournament promotes team building while bringing much attention to underprivileged children and families in need across the U.S. In addition, the event brings awareness to help end human...

Elisa Mula, Kat Mullins, Ken Gould, Mission 500, Moms in Security Global Outreach

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Also Noted

Mission 500’s annual softball game set for October 9 in Ridgefield Park, N.J.

September 9, 2021SSN Staff

MIAMI—Mission 500, a charitable non-profit organization engaging security professionals to assist families in crisis across the United States, has announced that its annual security industry softball game fundraiser will take place on Saturday, Oct. 9, 2021. This year’s event will be held from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at Overpeck County Park in Ridgefield Park, N.J. The first game will take place at 9:30 a.m. and will boast rosters comprised of local firefighters and friends of the...

Kat Mullins, Ken Gould, Mission 500

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Also Noted

Mission 500 raises $24,000 in first Great Las Vegas Hunt at ISC West 2021

August 17, 2021SSN Staff

MIAMI—Mission 500’s newest fundraiser endeavor at ISC West 2021, “The Great Las Vegas Scavenger Hunt,” was a big success. The event not only brought awareness to helping children and families in need across America, but it also brought the security industry together for some much-needed fun. The scavenger hunt consisted of nine teams of four. Teams were as follows: Advance Security Tech,, Alarms R Us, Automatic Gate Operations, Digital Monotoring Products (DMP),...

ADI Global Distribution, Advance Security Tech,, Alarms R Us, Automatic Gate Operations, Axis Communications, Bosch Security, Digital Monitoring Products (DMP), ISC West, Ken Gould, Mission 500, PSA Security Network (PSA), Resideo, Safety Technology International, Sage Integration, Simplx Security, WeSuite

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Also Noted

Join Mission 500, COPS Monitoring to provide school supplies to children in need

July 16, 2021SSN Staff

BOYNTON BEACH, Fla. —Students at Crosspointe Elementary School in Boynton Beach, Fla., will once again receive essential school supplies from COPS Monitoring and Mission 500. For the sixth consecutive year, COPS Monitoring is kicking off this effort with the generous commitment to provide school supplies for 300 students, and invites all security industry professionals to join this effort by donating to the “2021 Back to School Fundraiser” by visiting Every...

COPS Monitoring, Courtney Roper, Jim McMullen, Kat Mullins, Ken Gould, Mission 500

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Monitoring Matters

Thank You, Moms in Security!

June 23, 2021Cory Harris, Editor

The pictures say it all. The hard work of the four amazing moms pictured above – (from left to right) Min Kyriannis, CEO, Amyna Systems; Antoinette King, PSP, Founder, Credo Cyber Consulting, LLC; Elisa Mula, Founder, EM Designs (EMD), LLC; and Janet Fenner, President, Defined Marketing - culminated in a successful day for the security industry, all for a wonderful cause. We at Security Systems News were proud to sponsor and be on hand for the inaugural Moms in Security Charity Golf Outing...

Antoinette King, Elisa Mula, Janet Fenner, Ken Gould, Kevin Murphy, Marc Benson, Mary Beth Shaughnessy, Min Kyriannis, Sharon Kelley

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ADI Global Distribution and Ken Gould to receive Mission 500 award

General News

ADI Global Distribution and Ken Gould to receive Mission 500 award

May 18, 2021SSN Staff

MIAMI, Fla.—Mission 500, a charitable non-profit organization engaging security professionals to assist families in crisis across the USA, has announced the winners of its annual Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Humanitarian Awards. This year’s recipients are ADI Global Distribution and Ken Gould, President of Ken Gould Consulting and Chairman of Mission 500, respectively. ADI Global Distribution, recipient of Mission 500’s 2020 CSR Award, supports a wide range of social...

ADI Global Distribution, Award, Corporate Social Responsibility, Humanitarian, Ken Gould, Mission 500

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Also Noted General News

Mission 500, ADI continue fundraising efforts to help underprivileged children

March 12, 2021SSN Staff

MIAMI, Fla. —Mission 500, the non-profit charitable organization dedicated to serving children and communities in need across the U.S., partnered with angel sponsor ADI Global Distribution this past January to raise more than $93,000 to support corporate social responsibility across the security industry and help underprivileged children in communities across America. This is the second year ADI teamed up with Mission 500, and the virtual event far exceeded the fundraising goal of $15,000....

ADI Global Distribution, Ken Gould, Mission 500, Rob Aarnes

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On The Editor's Desk

Mission 500 scores a hole-in-one for those in need

October 14, 2020Paul Ragusa

We here at Security Systems News were very excited to sponsor a highly successful golf outing that was recently held to benefit families in need and The New York Firefighters Burn Center Foundation Children’s Camp. Mission 500’s successful event brought security professionals out for a day of golf that benefited families in need as well as helped The New York Firefighters Burn Center Foundation Children’s Camp support those children badly injured in fires. The charity golf...

Ken Gould, Mission 500

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