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Tag: Joel Estes

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Adams County, Colo., enhances public safety with ASAP implementation

March 18, 2025SSN Staff

COMMERCE CITY, Colo.—The Monitoring Association (TMA) has announced that the Adams County Communications Center Authority (ADCOM911) has completed implementation of the Automated Secure Alarm Protocol (ASAP) Service. ADCOM911 went live with the service on March 4, becoming the 149th emergency communications center (ECC) in the U.S. and fourth in Colorado to adopt the ASAP program The ECC dispatches emergency services for multiple law-enforcement agencies, including the Adams County...

Adams County Communications Center Authority (ADCOM911), American National Standards Institute (ANSI), Association of Public-Safety Communications Officials, Automated Secure Alarm Protocol (ASAP), computer-aided dispatch (CAD), Emergency Communications Center (ECC), Joel Estes, The Monitoring Association (TMA)

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