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Tag: Ron Davis

Jason Grelle


Industry veterans launch Bridgepoint Advisors M&A firm

February 24, 2025SSN Staff

DALLAS— Backed by decades of experience, industry veterans Steve Rubin, Kelly Bond, and Jason Grelle have launched Bridgepoint Advisors, a new mergers and acquisitions (M&A) firm dedicated to representing buyers and sellers in the dynamic and growing electronic security market. With their deep industry expertise and long-standing relationships, Bridgepoint Advisors is poised to provide unparalleled guidance and strategic insight. A team of trusted industry experts The founding partners...

Alert 360, Bridgepoint Advisors, Davis Mergers & Acquisitions Group, Jason Grelle, Kelly Bond, My Alarm Center, Ron Davis, Steve Rubin

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On The Editor's Desk

Rapid acquisition

January 23, 2013Martha Entwistle

Rapid Security Solutions of Sarasota, Fla., is growing rapidly following an acquisition, announced today, of Armenti Construction and Access Control, Inc, of Lake Worth, Fla. I had a chance to speak to Steve Paley, president and COO of Rapid, (and also president of the new Florida chapter of ESA) this afternoon. Paley said the deal doubles the size of his company, bringing 10 new employees and a number of accounts, notably with gated communities in the Palm Beach county area. "The former owners...

Armenti Construction, Electronic Security Association (ESA), Florida, Rapid Security Solutions, Ron Davis, Sarasota, Steve Paley

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This Blog's on Fire (And Other Stuff)

ACA acquires in Alabama

August 15, 2012Tess Nacelewicz

Smooth. That's how Alarm Capital Alliance described a recent transaction that added more than 1,000 accounts to its existing account base in Alabama. ACA, a Media, Pa.-based independently-owned company that acquires and manages security alarm contracts, acquired the accounts through an asset purchase transaction with Ultimate Security of Scottboro, Ala., according to a news release issued last week. Ultimate Security will stay in business and continue to service ACA customers, according to the Aug....

Alarm Capital Alliance (ACA), Davis Mergers & Acquisitions Group, Kelly Bond, Richie Burns, Ron Davis, Security Systems News (SSN), Ultimate Security

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Monitoring contract provision can stand in way of sale

April 4, 2012Tess Nacelewicz

LAS VEGAS—Read the fine print on your contract with your third-party monitoring center. You may find there's a clause buried in it that says the monitoring center has the right to buy your alarm company before you can sell it to somebody else.Such “right of first refusal” language is not in every monitoring contract, but it is in enough of them that Ron Davis, president and CEO of Davis Mergers and Acquisitions Group, warned potential sellers about the problem at an educational...

Anatomy of a Transaction, CIA Security, Davis Mergers & Acquisitions Group, ISC West, John Lombardi, Marc Katz, Ron Davis, Security Systems News (SSN)

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