Tag: John Lombardi
Monitoring contract provision can stand in way of sale
April 4, 2012Tess Nacelewicz
LAS VEGAS—Read the fine print on your contract with your third-party monitoring center. You may find there's a clause buried in it that says the monitoring center has the right to buy your alarm company before you can sell it to somebody else.Such “right of first refusal” language is not in every monitoring contract, but it is in enough of them that Ron Davis, president and CEO of Davis Mergers and Acquisitions Group, warned potential sellers about the problem at an educational...
Keeping central station employees in the know through extensive training
February 10, 2011Daniel Gelinas
The controversy surrounding Article 6-E—proposed legislation in New York that looks to vet and license central station employees according to statewide standards—has many in the industry talking about central station employee training. There are plenty of virtual and classroom training options provided by industry associations like CSAA and SIA. And, many monitoring companies take full control and create their own training programs for employees.
Experts who spoke to Security Systems...
Proposed New York legislation causes major stir
January 20, 2011Daniel Gelinas
ALBANY, N.Y.—Proposed legislation being developed by an alarm association committee here has created such a stir that the New York Burglar & Fire Alarm Association has decided to conduct an open forum discussion at its Feb. 10 board of directors meeting.
The legislation in question, called Article 6-E, would require licensing of central station employees of any central station wishing to monitor alarms in the state of New York.
“While the NYBFAA took numerous steps to alert the...
Licensing of central station operators mulled in New York
December 2, 2010Daniel Gelinas
ALBANY, N.Y.—There's legislation in the works here that, if passed, would require all New York central station operators to be licensed. Some industry insiders, such as CIA Security president John Lombardi, believe there's merit in this type of legislation. But others, including Bart Didden of USA Central Station, believe this legislation is a bad idea.
The proposed legislation, called Article 6-E, first appeared last fall. It was developed by outgoing New York Sen. Brian Foley and...