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Tag: Jamie Haenggi

ADT Q4 sees record high retention, recurring monthly revenue


ADT Q4 sees record-high retention, recurring monthly revenue

March 1, 2023Ken Showers, Managing Editor

BOCA RATON, Fl. – ADT Inc. has seen its fourth consecutive financial quarter results hit record highs as the company released its results on Feb. 28. Of note the company pulled in a Q4 total revenue of $1.6 billion, up 19 percent from last year, 8 percent when excluding solar and end-of-period recurring monthly revenues. ADT also boasted record-high customer retention with a gross customer revenue attrition rate of 12.5 percent.  The company’s total revenue was...

ADT, customer retention, Financial Results, Fourth Quarter (Q4), Jamie Haenggi, Jim DeVries, recurring monthly revenues, solar, State Farm

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ADT appoints Jamie Haenggi to lead ADT Solar

General News

ADT appoints Jamie Haenggi to lead ADT Solar

December 16, 2022SSN Staff

BOCA RATON, Fla. – ADT announced that Jamie Haenggi has been appointed to lead its ADT Solar division. Haenggi has served as executive vice president and chief operating officer for ADT Solar since March and now leads all functions within the division according to ADT. Sunpro founder, and previous ADT Solar executive vice president Marc Jones will serve as senior advisor to Haenggi. Joining in 2016, Haenggi has held executive roles within sales, marketing, and customer experience...

ADT, ADT Solar, Enphase Energy, Jamie Haenggi, Jim DeVries, Marc Jones, Sunpro

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Haenggi takes on new role at Protection 1

August 31, 2015Martha Entwistle

CHICAGO—Full service security giant Protection 1, which was recently acquired by private equity firm Apollo Global, today announced that Jamie Haenggi has been promoted to the newly created role of chief revenue officer. Apollo also acquired super-regional security company ASG. The two companies, which are in the process of being integrated, form the new Protection 1, a $600 million organization with about $40 million in RMR. Haenggi will be responsible for leading marketing, customer...

ASG, chief revenue officer, Jamie Haenggi, Protection One

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Protection 1 buys Cam Connections

June 2, 2015Martha Entwistle

LAKELAND, Fla.—Protection 1 announced today that it is buying Cam Connections, (CCI) a full-service integrator based here. The acquisition comes in the midst of Protection 1 being acquired by Apollo Global Management, but it's still closing deals on its own. "While CCI serves a number of different industries, they are particularly strong in the retail segment and providing integrated high-end solutions," Protection 1 CMO Jamie Haenggi told Security Systems News in an email...

Apollo, ASG, Cam Connections, CCI, Jamie Haenggi, Protection One, Robert Bull

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Apollo lands Protection 1, ASG

June 1, 2015Martha Entwistle

NEW YORK—Apollo Global Management is about to take one giant leap into security with its May 19 agreement to acquire Protection 1 and ASG Security. Under the agreement, reportedly $2 billion, the combined companies will operate under the Protection 1 brand, with Protection 1 CEO Tim Whall at the helm. Whall told Security Systems News that given the companies' “like-minded approach to the operations, the combination will be a force in the marketplace." The deal would...

Apollo, ASG Security, Barnes Associates, Jamie Haenggi, Joe Nuccio, Michael Barnes, Protection One, Tim Whall

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On The Editor's Desk

Apollo lands Protection 1, ASG

May 20, 2015Martha Entwistle

Apollo Global Management is about to take one giant leap into security with its May 19 agreement to acquire Protection 1 and ASG Security. Under the agreement, the combined companies will operate under the Protection 1 brand, with Protection 1 CEO Tim Whall at the helm. Security Systems News reported on the proposed deal last week. Here's that story. I had a chance to interview Protection 1 CEO Tim Whall, CMO Jamie Haenggi and ASG's CEO Joe Nuccio last night. I was looking for details...

Apollo Global Management, ASG Security, Barnes Associates, Jamie Haenggi, Joe Nuccio, Michael Barnes, Protection One, Tim Whall

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Also Noted

Protection 1 hires new VP of residential field sales

May 7, 2015SSN Staff

CHICAGO—Protection 1 has hired Michael S. Fredricks to serve as vice president, residential field sales. “Mike brings a wealth of experience in leading consumer-based, self-gen and door-to-door sales teams on a national basis in a structure similar to Protection 1's field-based branches and local management,” Jamie Haenggi, chief marketing and customer experience officer, said in a prepared statement. Fredricks previously was VP of sales for installed-flooring provider...

Empire Today, Jamie Haenggi, Michael S. Fredricks, Protection One

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On The Editor's Desk

ASIS 2012, Pro 1 buys again, mobility and the financial vertical

September 12, 2012Martha Entwistle

It's been a busy two days for Amy Canfield (the new lead editor for our sister publication Security Director News) and I here in Philly at the ASIS show. Since Sept. 10, the first day of ASIS, was Amy's fifth day on the job, she accompanied me to most of my appointments that day. She did have a chance to speak to a group of end users at the Honeywell booth. Here's her update on that� and she was flying solo on Day 2--check out her blog� for highlights of her day, including a tour...

Avigilon, Axis Communications, Diebold, Felix Gonzales, Fredrik Nilsson, Honeywell, Jamie Haenggi, Jeremy Brecher, John Nemerovsky, Johnson Controls (JCI), Mike Snyder, Protection One, Red Hawk, Renae Leary, Scott Harkins, Stanley CSS, Tammee Thompson, Tony Bylerly

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Protection 1 acquires IT-centric Integration Logistics

September 11, 2012Martha Entwistle

PHILADELPHIA—Protection 1 has added “deep IT and integrated systems knowledge” with the acquisition of Integration Logistics, a systems integrator based in Newark, Del., Jamie Haenggi, Protection 1 CMO, told Security Systems News. Pro 1 will launch a new Integrated Systems Division as a result of the purchase, which was announced Sept. 10, the first day of the ASIS show here. Former Integration Logistics owners Ken Schafenberg and John Smolinski will lead the new division. All...

Camtronic, Integration Logistics, Jamie Haenggi, John Smolinski, Ken Schafenberg, Protection One

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Pro 1: 'We're excited to be part of the home automation space'

August 29, 2012Tess Nacelewicz

ROMEOVILLE, Ill.—Protection 1 announced this week that it has launched a new integrated home security/home automation service called P1 Life. The introduction of P1 Life, which uses Honeywell's new LYNX Touch 5100, marks the first time that Protection 1—which bills itself as the nation's second-largest business and home security company—has fully embraced the new home automation trend in the security industry, according to Jamie Haenggi, Protection 1 CMO. She told...

Honeywell, Jamie Haenggi, Protection One, Security Systems News (SSN), Tim Whall

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